Getting Fillings To Make Your Teeth Strong Again

Getting Fillings To Make Your Teeth Strong Again

In many cases, a tooth will get progressively weaker over time because of untreated dental decay. After a short consultation with a dentist,fillings you may learn that all you need to stop the progression is a cavity filling. It is a relatively quick and simple treatment that you can have done by a dentist at Caring Family Dentistry in Lincoln, NE. A filling can restore strength and stability to your tooth so that you can chew and drink your favorite beverages with confidence again. 

What Is a Dental Filling?
A filling is dental material (usually composite resin or porcelain) that replaces lost tooth enamel. Filings are most commonly added to the back molars, where decay is most common due to the pits and fissures on the top surface of each tooth. Tooth-colored fillings,are popular because they very closely match the color of your natural teeth and won’t be noticed when you talk to others. In some cases, filling material is used to shore up the surfaces of the front teeth when the enamel has eroded.

Getting a Filling
Before your dentist fills a cavity, the hole must first be cleaned of any bad bacteria or decay. Once clean, a layer of bonding material is applied to the tooth to ensure that the filling material will stay in place. Your Lincoln, NE, dentist will then carefully spread the material onto the surface of the tooth so that it appears natural. A curing light ensures that the filling material hardens and bonds to the tooth. Many people are able to keep the same dental filling for many years before they have to be replaced.

Aftercare Information
After your tooth has been treated, avoid biting down on that side of the mouth for a few days or as recommended by your dentist. Do not eat sugary or hard foods. Take extra care to brush the top of each tooth to remove leftover film and foods that can create new cavities. If you experience any discomfort related to the tooth, consult your dentist.

A Strong Smile Again
There's a good possibility that your tooth can get stronger if you come  in to  Caring Family Dentistry Inc in Lincoln, NE, for a filling. Contact the office by calling (402) 423-9344 to schedule a dentist appointment with Dr. Thomas Blakenau.